Tip #1: Organize Your Kitchen
You don’t want any stress on the day of the party. Go through your cookware and make sure you have all of the essential supplies. The kitchen will most likely be chaotic when your guests arrive. People typically hang out around the kitchen. They might bring gifts or bottles of wine which will take up your counter space. Choose a designated place for your appetizers and beverages. Also, set a place for gifts and/or flowers (if you have generous guests LOL). It will help remove traffic around your kitchen, which will make you more productive.
Tip #2: Know Went to Spend or Save Money
Hosting is expensive. Everyone’s goal is to host the BEST dinner party to impress their guests. However, sometimes we need to be realistic. *sigh* Spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on one intimate night with your friends isn’t economical. So what should you splurge on? My advice is to splurge on food, wine, and two tabletop essentials. There are some great tabletop dupes, which I will save for a future blog ;). If you don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on a new dishware set then find a great dupe on Wayfair. You can make a pretty tabletop for less. Always prioritize food and wine. Nothing is more disappointing than a bad meal. Plan the perfect spread and don’t be afraid to splruge on the perfect wine pairing too.
I put together a chic tabletop board below inspired by the beautiful kitchen featured in this blog. The apartment was designed by Studio Lawahl. I found it on Instagram and thought it was beautiful. It gave me inspiration for this blog.
I hope this has helped you prepare for your next dinner party.
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