February 18, 2025

Myhome Franchise

Good interior, nonpareil

Home Staging – Questions and Answers

Question: Do I really need to stage my house?

Answer: Home staging is recommended to homeowners who are serious about selling their house in the shortest amount of time. Think of this scenario: Two comparable houses are for sale in the same general area. House A was staged and is in prime showing condition. House B was not staged and may have some design issues. Which house do you think buyers will be more interested in? Statistics show us that homes which are professionally prepared for the real estate market sell in one-third less time than non-staged houses.

Question: My Realtor told me to wait to stage, is this good advise?

Answer: The sooner you stage your house, the better it will be for you. If your agent told you to not stage or to wait to stage, your Realtor may not have a complete understanding about the value of home staging. Some agents are concerned about recommending more out-of-pocket expenses for their clients. It is a noble concern but not a necessary one when considering home staging. Stagers work with real estate agents as a team, and most stagers will be happy to answer any questions that Realtors may have regarding the staging process. Realtors may not know it, but stagers may be their greatest asset in the marketing of a client’s home.

Question: How do I choose a stager?

Answer: There are many things to look for when choosing a stager. Before you hire a stager, consider these qualifications:

  • Look for credentials. A good stager will be professionally trained in staging and design principles.
  • Ask for references. An experienced stager will have references and a photo gallery of personal projects.
  • Interview your stager. Most staging businesses are independently owned and will operate differently from each other.

Question: Can I stage my own house? or Can I have my friend stage my house?

Answer: It is best to use an independent staging consultant who has an objective view of your home. Professional stagers are specifically trained to find and remove the obstacles that could interfere with the sale of your house. Homeowners and friends who are familiar with a house may find it difficult to apply staging and design principles to areas in which they are emotional attached.

Question: Doesn’t staging cost a lot of money?

Answer: Staging, like any quality service, is not free. Staging costs may range anywhere between $100 for a consultation evaluation to $2500 for full staging services, (Actual costs vary depending upon company pricing and location.) Think of the cost of staging as an investment in your home that will save you time and money when your house is listed. Statistically, the investment of staging a house has a return of approximately 120%; (for a $1000 staging project, a homeowner may see $1200 return when they sell their home. Statistics cited from http://www.stagedhomes.com, with permission). The bottom line is that your investment in staging will usually be less than the first price reduction on your home! Can you really afford to not stage your house?

Question: Isn’t staging and decorating the same thing?

Answer: No. Staging and decorating are on different ends of the spectrum. Staging uses proven techniques that creates an emotional response in buyers; thus generating greater buyer interest. Interior decorating uses design principles and decor to display the homeowners individual tastes and styles. When you decide to sell your home, personal styles will need to be set aside to make your house appealing to the most amount of buyers.

Question: How do I get started?

Answer: Ask your Realtor if their agency provides staging services or stager referrals. Otherwise, to find an Accredited Staging Professional in your area, visit Staged Homes.

Your home may be the biggest investment that you make in your lifetime. When you are ready to list your home, do not sell your investment short. A properly prepared home will sell in the shortest amount of time while commanding the highest offers. For more information on staging visit KFM Staging & Design.