With Masters Week behind them, Augusta Commission members return to work on homelessness and a housing shortfall that continues to plague the city. And North Augusta city council will take another look at the design of its new public safety headquarters.
The commission’s Administrative Services Committee is set to give the go-ahead Tuesday to a set of task force recommendations intended to help the city’s homeless population.
Going for approval is a motion to receive the recommendations and support them, starting by creating a new position called homeless crisis response system coordinator who would oversee all programs and coordinate with outside agencies, goes for discussion.
Longtime homelessness Continuum of Care Coordinator Lynda Barrs said the coordinator position will help ensure Augusta’s efforts to help the homeless are able to survive long-term.
The second component going for approval Tuesday is creating a plan to invest American Rescue Plan funds in development of up to 75 units of permanent supportive housing.
Read more: Augusta homelessness task force recommends adding supportive housing, but not new shelter
That plan replaces, at least temporarily, what the commission approved last year to invest $3.5 million in a non-congregate shelter, which means each room has its own bathroom.
More housing proposals emerge
Augusta Commissioner Ben Hasan brings forward a January request by Augusta Land Bank Authority for $1.1 million in American Rescue Plan funds to address blight remediation.
Among its duties, the land bank holds and maintains blighted and tax-delinquent properties for redevelopment. In this instance, it would rehabilitate dilapidated housing into affordable housing units, according to the agenda item. Property records show the land bank currently has title to more than 500 lots, many of which have older homes on them.
An Augusta Housing Authority representative and Mayor Hardie Davis are expected to be present Tuesday for a continued discussion with Augusta Code Enforcement of conditions at Ervin Towers, a public housing high-rise. At the last meeting, members expressed frustration with the authority’s management of its facilities.
Housing and Community Development brings requests for approval of using Housing and Urban Development funding to facilitate construction of three houses on Dover Street and up to five houses for veterans in the Laney-Walker/Bethlehem area.
Commissioners will receive a recommendation from interim Administrator Takiyah Douse on creating a position of city arborist, whether by hiring or a contract. The Tuesday committee meetings start at 1 p.m.
Also: Augusta wins housing grant for Harrisburg, Laney-Walker project tied to Augusta National
A: Some signs of turnaround in Harrisburg as HUB readies for opening, helping
In North Augusta, city council will review the final design for a new public safety headquarters at a 6 p.m. Monday study session.
Built on three parcels in the 1200 block of Georgia Avenue, the new headquarters is expected to house the city’s public safety department.
This article originally appeared on Augusta Chronicle: Housing authority in Augusta GA: Government works on shortfalls
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